
句文网    发表于:2021-01-21 15:33:39





1.Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, and...um, others:

2 John Watson. My friend John Watson. John... When John first broached the subject of being Best Man, I was confused.

3 Pray charge your glasses and be upstanding. Today begin the adventures of Mary Elizabeth Watson and John Hamish Watson.

4 Mary, when I say you deserve this man, it is the highest compliment of which I am capable.

5 I won't insult your intelligence by explaining it to you.

6 The problems of your past are your business. The problems of your future are my privilege.

7 Marriage changes you as a person in ways that you can't imagine.

8 The thrill of the chase, the blood pumping through your veins, just the two of us against the rest of the world.

9 You are married, and then you just let your old friends slip away.

10 The one person he thought didn't matter at all to me was the one person that mattered the most.

11 The problems of your past are your business. The problems of your future are my privilege。

12 To the very best of times, John。


《神探夏洛克(Sherlock)》第三季首播,出现了一件几乎不可能发生的事,卷福(Sherlock Holmes)在第一集《空灵柩(神探夏洛克)》中来了个起死回生,总之《空灵柩》绝对是令人惊奇、疯狂的一个故事。

关于福尔摩斯如何制造假死,《神探夏洛克》制作方表示有三种不同的方式来解释,但这并不是愚弄全世界,而是早就埋下伏笔。《空灵柩》最初的情节中,故事通过一直监视侦探的老朋友Lestrade的下属Anderson的口来解释,根据他的讲解,卷福是绑着蹦极绳索跳楼的,然后在莫莉(Molly Hooper)的窗口反弹回去,而不是死亡,之后Mycroft的人又为卷福找到代替尸体。《空灵柩》的第一个小时就给出了这一个解释,后半段又加入了一位前任警探的解释,这个版本是卷福摔下时使用了安全气囊,而华生当时没有出现,大侦探用假血和暂时切断脉搏造成死亡假象。第三季之后播出的内容还会给出第三种答案。

《神探夏洛克》是近年来最受欢迎的英剧之一,美国人也很喜欢它,但是美国影迷却因为《空灵柩》的剧情很困惑,因为华生被绑架并险些丧命正好在盖伊·福克斯日(Guy Fawke's Day),这是一个英国节日,庆祝阴谋组织成员盖伊·福克斯试图炸毁英国国会的计划失败,这个节日人们会进行篝火和焰火庆祝,而华生却在这喜庆的一天差点死去。

