Georges Duroy:The women are ravishing,and yet,I was still homesick.
Georges Duroy:I only want you to know that with one word you can make me happy.You can make me your friend,your brother,or you can make me your husband.My heart and my body are yours.
Madeleine Forestier:You have to understand,I am not like other women.Marriage to me is partnership,contract between equals.I will not accept authority,jealousy,questioning my conduct.I insist on being free.
Georges Duroy:I used to laugh every time I'd had you to think I'd sent you back to him with my sweat on your skin,when all the while,it was me!I was the one getting fucked!
Georges Duroy:It's because you've never been poor.Trying to scrape out some miserable scrap of an existence!I can't live like that.Like my father.Working to the bone,and then down on his knees,every week,praying to God that the next life will be better.Well,there is no next life.The flesh,it rots in the earth.It rots.I have seen a man die.And I am going to live.It's so clear to me.
在南非服役两年之后,前陆军中士乔治·杜洛伊回到巴黎,过着赤贫的生活。为了 逃离他那位于郊区的寒酸住处,他开始不择手段的进行钻营,借助战友的帮助进入新闻界,靠着俊俏外表吸引那些富家太太,把她们当成自己进入上流社会,一步步飞黄腾达的阶梯。他开始了在上流社会的“冒险”,与很多富家太太玩起了浪漫游戏并用各种手段攫取财富和权力,精打细算又充满乐天精神的杜洛瓦其实代表了一大群像他那样对于物欲有着贪婪渴求的投机分子。