
句文网    发表于:2020-12-24 14:18:34



1.Then, congratulations, Jack Frost, for you are now, and forevermore, a Guardian. That's my boy.

2.Everyone loves the sleigh.

3.Happy Easter, you little ankle-biter. I'm gonna miss you.

4.You're leaving? But what if Pitch comes back? What if we stop believing again? If I can't see you.

5.Hey, slow down,  slow down.You're telling me you stop believing in the moon when the sun comes up?

6.Okay. Well, do you stop believing in the sun when clouds block it out?

7.My name is Jack Frost. And I'm a Guardian. How do I know that? Because the moon told me so. So when the moon tells you something, believe it.

8.There is no way i am climbing into some rickety old.

9.I think my tunnels might be faster, mate, and safer.

10.Maybe i want what you have.to be believed in.maybe i am tired of hiding under beds!

11.Oh, there is nothing to be afraid of. There is no such thing as the boogeyman. Well, that’s all about to change. Oh, look. It’s happening already.

12.Give me break. You know how many toys i deliver in one night?

13.It’s not the teeth he wanted. It’s the memories inside them.

14.The night at the pond, i just... I assumed... Are you saying... Are you saying i had a life before that. With a home and a family?

15.They took my fairies a teeth! All of them. Everything is gone ! Everything. Oh thanks goodness. One of you is all right.




