
句文网    发表于:2020-11-23 09:15:20



1、agent: you must be there tomorrow.你明天一定在那里。

2、nicole: i don't care about tomorrow.我不在乎明天。

3、nicole: i love you.我爱你。

4、nicole: i'm a dancer. i love to dance.我是一个舞者。我喜欢跳舞。

5、nicole: it's beautiful up here. everything seems so beautiful.在这里很漂亮。一切似乎都那么美好。

6、nicole: no one can steal a dream. no one. goodbye.没有人能偷一个梦。没有人。再见。

7、rodrigo: and then she was gone. has she forgotten? i know i will not…her kiss, her smile, her perfume.然后她走了。她忘记了吗?我知道我不会……她的吻,她的微笑,她的香水。

8、rodrigo: but my world would never be the same again when she came into my life.但我的世界再也不一样了,她走进了我的生活。

9、rodrigo: didn't matter. i knew who she was to me.没问题。我知道她对我是谁。

10、rodrigo: it's the right thing to do.做正确的事。

11、rodrigo: when did i wake into this dream? i must have been the only person in the world who didn't know who she was.我何时醒来到这样的梦?我一定是世界上唯一一个不知道她是谁的人。

12、rodrigo: who are you?你是谁?

13、tv: with the disappearance of the world's most famous…随着世界上最著名的消失…


得益于香奈儿品牌渊源悠久的专业香水制作工艺,ROUGE COCO的淡雅芳香得以被重新诠释,如同一大束新鲜欲滴的玫瑰花束,在覆盆子的果香与香草隐约细致的粉质气息的衬托下尽显馥郁。

ROUGE COCO并不只是个时髦的配件,更重要的是它为女人带来了令人沉醉的舒适体验。瞬间融化的质地极致柔软细腻,在唇间荡漾,缔造出精致的丝缎般妆效。香奈儿运用所有的创意与科技,将这款唇膏的经典包装打上“Coco时代”的烙印。
