
句文网    发表于:2020-11-19 15:28:30



1.   It was always telling the truth ,doing good deeds,basically being a fucking Boy Scout.

2.   But I have been seeing it differently .I think that moral fiber is about that one thing you really care about .

3.   That one special thing that means more to you than anything else in the world.

4.   When you find her.you fight for her,you risk it all,you put her in front of everything ,you future ,you life,all of it .

5.   Maybe the stuff you to help her is not so clean.It does not matter .

6.   Bescause in your heart you know that the juice is worth the squeeze.That is what moral fiber is all about !

7.   it's funny, I used to think it was always telling the truth, doing good deeds...

8.   you know ,basically being a fucking Boy Scout.

9.   But lately I've been seeing it differently.

10.   Now I think moral fiber is about finding that one thing you really care about.

11.   That one special thing that means more to you than anything else in the world.


高中生马修(埃米尔·赫斯基 饰)是个憨厚老实的大男孩,他迷恋着政治,一直梦想能够像林肯那样成为美国众人仰慕的政坛风云人物。直到有一天,马修发现隔壁搬来了一个美丽性感的女孩,成为了他的新邻居。这个女孩满头诱人金发,性感火爆的身材几乎令所有男人都会喷血,马修立刻毫无救药地暗恋上了她。

当天晚上,正当马修打电话告诉他的好友,自己有了位美女邻居时,透过窗户他 看到对面的女孩正在宽衣解带,她竟然脱掉了上衣甚至乳罩!马修看得痴迷极了,正当他想入非非之际,那女孩突然转过身来,望向了马修这边,马修连忙蹲下躲到窗户底下,吓得手机也掉在地板上…

