
句文网    发表于:2023-12-05 17:01:54


In order to achieve their own to become a capable person, I always "knowledge is power", that is to urge their own, hard-working actively, mindful, and strive to improve themselves in the combination of theory and operation.


Time, I now stand at an important intersection in life, full of excitement and excitement, ready to enter a new arena, full of light and opportunities, but also full of competition and challenges. Here, my sincere hope that your unit can give me a chance to realize the value of life, so I can show themselves on this stage to prove themselves.

University for four years, through the system of professional knowledge of learning, I have the international economy and trade of this discipline has a more profound understanding, with a profound theoretical knowledge and considerable practical ability to operate. At the same time, the use of spare time self-study and obtain a certificate related to the professional.In addition, I also actively participate in various practical activities. In the activities, to develop their own organizational management and team spirit, can quickly integrate into the team, have a strong ability to adapt and fast learning ability, and the establishment of a high degree of responsibility.

I very much hope to go to your bank to work to make their own theoretical knowledge and practice of combining, so that their life can have a qualitative leap. I believe that your overall image, management style, work atmosphere will be more attractive to me, is my ideal pursuit of the goal. I sincerely request that you give me a chance to show me my abilities.

As a senior graduate, although there is no wealth of work experience, but I believe that as long as their work has a high sense of responsibility, and can hold a modest attitude to the positive efforts of learning, brave the face of every challenge, Heaven There is nothing that can not be accomplished.

"Ten years grinding sword, today to demonstrate". I do not have a prestigious university diploma to sponsor, there is no rich political background to decorate, but I have a healthy and natural me, confident and not arrogant, stable and innovative, mature and full of vitality. I would like to take this natural with my most sincere heart and other college students to accept your selection. Looking back, I have the courage to explore the diligent study of the accumulation of knowledge of the road; look to the future, I will be happy to devote themselves to the cause of business development path. Zhu Gui unit of the cause of thriving, thriving!


Three months into the company, the leadership and colleagues with the care and guidance of the assistance, so I am in a relatively short period of time to adapt to the company's working environment, but also familiar with the company's work process, the basic completion of the Items assigned to the work; at the same time let me fully feel the leadership of the Heiner rivers of mind, to understand the unity of my colleagues up, harmonious family feeling. This time is a valuable experience in my life, but also left me a wonderful and beautiful memories.

Although only a short period of three months, but learned a lot, sentiment a lot, as well as some of their own deficiencies have been improved and promoted to enhance the company's culture a deeper understanding of the company to see the development, I deeply Pride and pride, as well as a more urgent desire to work as a full-time employee.

As the original unit is engaged in customer service work, there are a lot of administrative work done and imperfect, here, I would like to specifically thank the company leadership and colleagues for my induction guide and help, thank them for my work mistakes Of the reminder and correction. In the future work, I will work harder, work hard, overcome difficulties, and strive to do a better job, and continuously improve their own enrichment, hoping to work independently as soon as possible, make greater contributions to the company to live up to the company leadership on myExpectations and cultivation; to achieve their goals, to reflect their own life value, I will use modest attitude and full of enthusiasm to do my own work, create value for the company, with the company Looking forward to a better future!


Three months into the company, the leadership and colleagues with the care and guidance of the assistance, so I am in a relatively short period of time to adapt to the company's working environment, but also familiar with the company's work process, the basic completion of the Items assigned to the work; at the same time I fully feel the leadership of the Heiner rivers of mind, to understand the unity of my colleagues up, harmonious family feeling. This time is a valuable experience in my life, but also left me a wonderful and beautiful memories.

Although only a short period of three months, but learned a lot, sentiment a lot, as well as some of their own deficiencies have been improved and promoted to enhance the company's culture a deeper understanding of the company to see the development, I deeply Pride and pride, as well as a more urgent desire to work here as a full-time employee.

1, to learn new business knowledge, to consolidate the original knowledge, based on the self-conscious and constantly enrich their knowledge and work skills, in order to clear the use of all systems and familiar with the maintenance methods. In addition to the perfect system, in addition to the international business of gold trading, the other such as fmis, cms, the people's anti-money laundering system, personnel management systems, trade union financial systems, and so the system has been replaced Web Edition, each a system, Will take the initiative to understand the relevant operational and technical conditions, through continuous learning and humbly ask, so that their never backward.

2, deal with the relationship between colleagues, so that the fastest speed to solve the problem, such as a moment to go, will explain the reasons for all failures as far as possible within two working days to solve, especially important departments, such as the fifth floor of the President of the Office of the Office of the boss and the computer, there is a failure to do to solve immediately. Often remind colleagues in a timely manner to backup, important documents must be stored in the non-system disk, and patiently answer a variety of computer colleagues questions. Usually think colleagues think, urgent colleagues urgency, through patient and meticulous work, not only won the recognition of colleagues also increased the status of the Ministry of Science and Technology in the organs.


"Big success by the team, small success by personal." This is the world's richest man for 13 consecutive years, Bill Gates, one of the summary, in his path to the rich and brilliant entrepreneurial way, always embodies the importance of team spirit , Bill Gates of this sentence industry is called "big success rule."

Bill Gates was born in Seattle in 1955, he loves computers, he was 13 years old, has been able to carry out simple computer programming design, 14-year-old Gates and his high school classmate Paul. Allen began a further programming exploration . Since childhood love and thinking about the computer, Gates in front of the hole gradually opened a bright future of computer science. 18-year-old Gates admitted to Harvard University, the study of computer programming is hungry, he and roommate Steve Ballmer is very close, usually like to wear a printed Gates "to support Ballmer "Round neck shirt to show this unusual friendship. They are always learning about each other, encouraged, Steve Ballmer's shop, Gates at Harvard University was the first computer for the successful development of a programming language version. However, the next year Gates decided to withdraw from Harvard, in order to work with another friend Paul Allen to work hard in the community, co-founder of both of them Microsoft. In 1975, 20-year-old Bill Gates was appointed Microsoft chairman, CEO and chief software designer. In 1976 Gates and Allen registered (Microsoft) trademark, originally intended to be named "Allen and Gates" finally changed to "micro software company", fade individual personal, to highlight the company's team image.

November 1983 Windows operating system debut debut, provided by the graphical user interface changed the text of the tedious, very intuitive and convenient, by the public favorite. In 1985, 30-year-old Gates at Microsoft's press conference for the first time with Melinda. Then, both fell in love, experienced a decade of tempting lingering love, January 1, 1994 finally to the marriage hall. In order to refuse a large crowd to come to celebrate the wedding ceremony admirers, Gates wedding ingenuity arrangements in the independent separation of Lanai Island in Hawaii held, fortunate enough to be invited to participate in the wedding is very limited, and must take a special helicopter or yacht to arrive. Gates and Melinda is said to be specially scheduled during the wedding all the hotel rooms on the island and all the helicopters, no noise, but also Pu Guizhen, making beautiful Lanai Island has become more quiet, peaceful and pure. In Lanai Island wedding in addition to their loved ones, in the guest table first Paul. Allen, Warren. Buffett so heart-to-heart, like brothers and sisters.

With the growing prosperity of Microsoft, Gates is also more concerned about the charity around. In 20xx, the Gates held a grand charity event.Warren Buffett, a friend of Warren, announced that he would donate $ 30 billion of his own investment company to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which doubled the size of the fund to double The world's largest charitable foundation.

All the way around the Gates business always flashing a group of followers, partners, supporters of the figure, the formation of elite teams, such as Steve Ballmer's intimate, such as Paul Allen's long-term work together,Such as Warren Buffett's generosity, it is behind a high-quality elite team achievement Gates career on the "big success", and this success can not be separated from Gates personal struggle of the local "small success."

Bill Gates once said, "If I just want to win, I would have gone to another stage." "I hope I am not the richest man in the world, this is not any good." He also did: 20xx October 28, Gates celebrated his 50th birthday in London, England announced that he will not politics, tens of billions of dollars of wealth will be donated to the community, not as a legacy to future generations. In the same year, Bill Gates in the United Kingdom Buckingham Palace was awarded the British Queen Elizabeth II awarded the "Honor Jazz Medal" in recognition of Gates and his wife Melinda to eliminate the Commonwealth and other developing countries, poverty and improve the health of local people Level of the efforts made. In 20xx, Bill Gates in the United Kingdom BBC television interview once again said that his 58 billion US dollars of property will be donated to the name of charitable funds, the money will be used to study AIDS and malaria vaccines, and the world's poor countries To provide assistance to reduce inequalities that exist globally.

"When Paul Allen and I started Microsoft, I had a lot of dreams about software development, and we wanted our software to have a big impact on the world, and having a computer at every desk and home was always the topic of our discussion. "This is the Gates of the old dream relive, and now his dream has been achieved, daily, we are sharing Gates's operating system, and therefore feel the power of the computer's charm. A fence three piles, a hero three help, when we aftertaste "big success rule", can deeply feel the team spirit of the noble.


Time, I now stand at an important intersection in life, full of excitement and excitement, ready to enter a new arena, full of light and opportunities, but also full of competition and challenges. Here, my sincere hope that your unit can give me a chance to realize the value of life, so I can show themselves on this stage to prove themselves.

University for four years, through the system of professional knowledge of learning, I have the international economy and trade of this discipline has a more profound understanding, with a profound theoretical knowledge and considerable practical ability to operate. At the same time, the use of spare time self-study and obtain a certificate related to the addition, I also actively participate in various practical activities. In the activities, to develop their own organizational management and team spirit, can quickly integrate into the team, have a strong ability to adapt and fast learning ability, and the establishment of a high degree of responsibility.

I very much hope to go to your bank to work to make their own theoretical knowledge and practice of combining, so that their life can have a qualitative leap. I believe that your overall image, management style, work atmosphere will be more attractive to me, is my ideal pursuit of the goal. I sincerely request that you give me a chance to show me my abilities.

As a senior graduate, although there is no wealth of work experience, but I believe that as long as their work has a high sense of responsibility, and can hold a modest attitude to the positive efforts of learning, brave the face of every challenge, Heaven There is nothing that can not be accomplished.

"Ten years grinding sword, today to demonstrate". I do not have a prestigious university diploma to sponsor, there is no rich political background to decorate, but I have a healthy and natural me, confident and not arrogant, stable and innovative, mature and full of vitality. I would like to take this natural with my most sincere heart and other college students to accept your selection. Looking back, I have the courage to explore the diligent study of the accumulation of knowledge of the road; look to the future, I will be happy to devote themselves to the cause of business development path. Zhu Gui unit of the cause of thriving, thriving!




3、Be highly organized and effecient.

4、Ambitious attitude essential.





9、Willing to assume responsibilities.


11、Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.

12、Positive active mind essential.


14、Able to work under high pressure and time limitation.



17、A person with ability plus flexibility should apply.

18、Young, bright, energetic with strong career-ambition.


20、Strong determination to succeed.

21、Initiative, independent and good communication skill.


23、Mature, dynamic and honest.

24、Good presentation skills.

25、A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.

26、Strong leadership skills.


28、Willing to learn and progress.

29、The ability to initiate and operate independently.


31、Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.




35、Be elegant and with nice personality.

36、Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively.

37、Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.

38、Bright, aggressive applicants.

39、Ability to work independent1y, mature and resourceful.

40、Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision.


42、Excellent ability of systematical management.


44、Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.



47、Good people management and communication skills. Team player.



50、Energetic, fashion-minded person.

51、With a pleasant mature attitude.

52、Ability to work well with others.

53、Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.


The work of the positive and serious attitude, strong sense of responsibility, is sincere, careful, optimistic, athletic, a good team player, able to quickly adapt to the work environment, and to continue to learn in practical work and constantly improve themselves and do their own work .

I am a positive, optimistic, pragmatic, continuous learning, struggling to forge ahead of the people. Do not want to fall behind, I do not want to fall behind; behind, losing all chance of success. Learning is also essential, no knowledge is difficult to succeed; at the same time, to fight for their practice more opportunities to succeed!


You can strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the school, respect teachers, unite students, but have not found a good learning method, so the academic performance can not have greater progress. The basic knowledge is not strong enough, learning is not flexible enough, sometimes not strict enough for their own requirements, you have to know that learning is to pay sweat, and bravely out of the first step, do not back, okay? The quality of your work has been significantly improved , The teacher is also happy for se do not lose heart, slowly, relentless pursuit, continuous efforts, so many failures lay the cornerstone of success, you can finally get the joy of success!

You have a strong adaptability and adaptability, good at adjusting their knowledge structure, learning at ease, better performance, you can consciously abide by the rules and regulations of the school, learning a clear purpose, correct attitude, the correct treatment of learning Lack of strict demands on themselves, dare to ask the teacher to ask emic performance than last semester have some progress. Usually able to actively participate in physical exercise. Hope to be able to get along with the students in the future, unite every student. The teacher has a suggestion, I hope you can accept: Sometimes you are very self-willed, even stubborn, often showing self-centered, perhaps, I was wrong, but I still hope you can learn from this.


I call ×××, in ×××, ××× current position. In the past year, courtesy of all the leaders and colleagues of care and help, through their tireless efforts to better accomplish various tasks. End personal self-identification will now work to report, a total of four aspects:

1, the ideological and political aspects: positive thinking progress, high political consciousness, and always maintain the advanced nature and purity of party members, dare to fight against all kinds of reactionary ideas. Emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advance with the times, can be dialectical, rational view of things and problems, the face of major events always remain sober-minded. I love the motherland, love the people, adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles, and resolutely support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, to respond positively to the call of the party, the party's cause with confidence.

Personal goals and their long-term planning consistent direction, always maintain a positive initiative, consciously abide by company rules and regulations.

2, learning: adhere to the learning and self-improvement as an important way to improve both the unit and the branch actively participate in various learning organization, and carried out extensive self-study. In addition to learning content and political theory to know the party's principles and policies, but also involves the history, economy, science and technology, computers, and knowledge of the business. Learning only pay attention to the ways and means, but also pay attention to the actual results.

3, work: detailed work plan, subject to arrangements, serious and responsible, practical work hard, pragmatic. Everything proactive difficulties, striving to be the vanguard, fearless tired.

4, aspects of life: thrift, care of public property, pay attention to health, labor of love, self-discipline, honesty, fame, helpfulness, respect for leadership, unity and colleagues, decent conversation, manners and generous to keep the image.

In addition to these advantages, it also still some shortcomings and deficiencies, mainly the study was not thorough enough, not strong enough political acumen, work methods is defective, writing skills solid enough to be further improved and enhanced in the future work.

I want to use my beautiful youth, to light around each person's passion, inspired inspires colleagues for our dedication to the cause, progressive, meritorious, Jianye ......

For faster, better improve the management level, technical level and operational capacity to adapt to the development of modern science and technology, and have improved their ability to make progress in all aspects, and this is done in recent years, professional and technical aspects of the work of self-identification . In the future, I want to continue to learn all aspects of professional knowledge, continue to research and explore topics xx field, determined in future work to xx and make greater contribution.


on the embedded platform of the game simulator, e-book reader has a more in-depth study; good code writing style, a serious and responsible work attitude, interested in new technology, interested in intelligent video surveillance, image recognition , Artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and other related work.

5 years experience in software project development, diligent and practical, serious and responsible work, self-learning ability; cheerful, easy to get along with others, pay attention to team spirit, and can withstand greater pressure.

I am cheerful and generous, warm and sincere people, have strong communication skills; honest and cheerful, diligent and pragmatic, work actively, down to earth; has a wealth of experience in the project, both independent commitment to project tasks, but also integrated into the team effective Collaboration; with project planning, management experience; has a wealth of embedded software work experience, proficient in the DSP environment, video, image correlation algorithm optimization.

More than 5 years experience in project design and management, over 2 years experience in project management, team management, good team spirit, proficient in high volume B / S architecture development, design and management.


I am xxxx from entry into the front desk teller work. In the front of the work, I have maintained a modest attitude, conscientiously study the business, work diligently, with a positive attitude towards each and every customer.Reception of the work I have mastered the personal business operations and accounting system, has accumulated valuable experience and many high-quality customers to form a good relationship, the customer's trust.This is my work in the foreground of the valuable wealth left.

Personal Account Managers are a dynamic and promising job, and individual account managers will play an increasingly important role in the development of banks as they move from retail banking to retail banking. I believe that the individual account manager's job is simply to maintain the existing high-quality customers, tap potential new customers, customers recommend the right financial products at the same time, to achieve a win-win bank and customers. Here, I would like to emphasize the "win-win" the word. When the one-sided emphasis on bank benefits and customer interests, the marketing work done is not perfect, when the two together, it will create a marketing miracle. If I can be a personal account manager, I will define this job by using my expertise to help our key clients, as their safe and effective financial assistant, to maximize their assets, as well as to connect with customers And * line of the bridge, to avoid financial risks, the promotion of financial products, to achieve maximum customer value.

In the realization of maximizing customer value, individual account managers should fully understand the customer, for different psychological needs of customers, tailored to recommend appropriate financial products, combined with our short-term fund products, products, long-term insurance and financial products, Targeted marketing. In marketing products, should be in good faith, professional, efficient, high-quality principles, for the sake of customers, win the trust of customers, the formation of a virtuous cycle of marketing. But also the depth of high-quality customers to tap the potential for private purchase. In normal work, some customers because of outbound travel, children have to purchase foreign exchange needs, but out of the * line do not understand, go to the Bank for processing, resulting in the loss of resources. Personal account manager should increase publicity, combined with our bank ** remittance, traveler's checks, credit cards and other products, to provide customers with a wide range of foreign exchange services. In practice, the daughter of a customer to study abroad, we recommend him a traveler's checks, the customer in the line of the Bank of China in line with the service, or choose to my daughter for the purchase of 10,000 Canadian dollarsTraveler 's checks, the customer is very satisfied, and said that the future will choose to remit the way to my line for business.

In the maintenance of customer relationships, individual account managers should do a good job of customer classification management, different customer implementation of different management strategies, targeted, to achieve income and output to match. Due to the fierce competition in the financial market today, the need for customer managers continue to strengthen contact with customers, regular visits to high-end customers, win the trust of customers, and customers to establish deep feelings, and every customer become friends, not just confined to the cold Business relationship.


Behaved, modest, hard-working, good overall quality, with innovative thinking, team player and can work under pressure, strong self-learning ability, curious.


Conscientious, responsible, studious, warm, steady work seriously, ambitious. Proficiency in common office software word, excel.

Easygoing and generous, cheerful, friendly, honest and humble. Hard-working, serious and responsible, hard working, conscientious, patient.

It has an affinity and approachable. Strong communication skills, good self-expression, eloquent. Nuanced observe things, the ability to detect and correct deficiencies of self.

Basic knowledge of solid, good leadership and management.


I am optimistic, optimistic, positive, honest, honest, good, willing to help people, in two years of work experience with the leadership and colleagues to handle harmonious, can get the trust and support of colleagues, work responsibility, although two years in the HSBC group work at night for foreign customers to work in the evening. Line services, but not afraid of hard work and fatigue, can solve various difficult problems with a good mental outlook and meticulous and thoughtful service.

The working attitude is practical, serious and careful. In the process of serving the customer, we find out the mistakes of the customers to fill in the information many times, and communicate with the customers actively, help the customers reduce the difficulties and losses; work hard, learn constantly, have strong learning ability and learning consciousness, although the English level is general in the school education process, but two In 20xx, he has worked well in customer service practice and long-term English training in foreign banks, and has good listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities.

It can distinguish the key, grasp the method, can handle a lot of business at the same time, the work efficiency is high, has been praised by the department leaders many times; with the strong team consciousness, through the training of the new staff and the coordination with the business of various departments, I have a certain team team cooperation ability and a strong sense of overall situation. For the new job, we are good at learning from predecessors, and have strong adaptability and independence.
